Mission Moment: New Year, New Goals!

January 24, 2020

"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." -Helen Keller

Every year the H4TG Team brainstorms and establishes new organization-wide goals. Several goals are mission-related, which means they are set to directly impact our members (aka Boobers!). We are extremely excited about the road ahead for 2020, especially with new program service offerings that will provide more opportunities for social and emotional support and education for all our members, and expanded programs for our members with metastatic breast cancer.

Interested in ways YOU can get involved to make a difference at H4TG? If you are a survivor, join the Boober! Shaping the Future Committee! This Boober!-only committee meets on a quarterly basis to discuss mission-related topics that directly impact the future of H4TG. To date, the committee has helped shape the member communication process, the bereavement process, encouraged the establishment new service offerings for members with metastatic breast cancer plus much MORE! The only requirement for joining the committee is that you need to be a current member (Boober!).

If you are not a survivor/member, you can get involved and support our mission by becoming a volunteer (we have MANY opportunities for this!) or becoming a donor/sponsor.

Please contact us at support@hereforthegirls.org to learn more about any of these opportunities!



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© 2024 Here for the Girls, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity
EIN 26-0606190
1309 Jamestown Rd. Suite 204
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Contact us at info@hereforthegirls.org or at 757-645-2649

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