"A helping hand can be a ray of sunshine in a cloudy world"

~ Unknown

If you or someone you love is diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with questions and needs, and sometimes there’s no clear way to get answers or help.  You’re sure to need more information on your journey, which is why we collected resources for you!  


Camp Kesem: Children of parents with cancer can attend Camp Kesem free summer camps. 

Help for Cancer Caregivers: Helps cancer caregivers manage their own health and wellness needs. 

Men Against Cancer: Educates and empowers men to provide support for loved ones with cancer. 

Mothers Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer: Supporting mothers whose daughters have breast cancer. 


American Cancer Society: Resources related to research, treatment, and education for cancer patients and their families. 

Asian Breast Cancer: Initiative that aims to address the unique cultural, linguistic and genetic challenges that Asian women face related to breast cancer.

Breastcancer.org: Reliable information about breast cancer. 

BreastCancerTrials.org: Current clinical trials and connects researchers with potential volunteers. 

IBC Foundation: Inflammatory breast cancer advocacy. 

National LGBT Cancer Network: LGBT breast cancer education and advocacy. 

Metavivor: Metastatic breast cancer awareness, research, and support. 

National Breast Cancer Foundation: Information on early detection, breast cancer, and links to support. 

National Cancer Institute: The federal government’s agency for cancer research. 

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship: To advocate for quality cancer care for all people touched by cancer

National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Information, resources (including financial), clinical trials, and webinars for those with cancer and their loved ones. 

Livestrong Foundation: Resources including support and information on managing finances and fertility preservation. 

Patient Advocate Foundation: Case management, co-pay relief, and financial help. 

Susan G. Komen: Breast cancer and survivorship information. 

LYMPHEDEMA is abnormal swelling that can develop in the arm, hand, breast, or torso as a side effect of breast cancer surgery and/or radiation therapy. Lymphedema can appear in some people months or even years after treatment ends. Visit breastcancer.org to learn about symptoms, treatment, and more.

Here for the Girls: In-person and virtual social-emotional support for young women diagnosed with breast cancer under age 51. 

HER2 Support Group: Her2 information. 

FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered): Support, education, and advocacy for those facing hereditary breast or ovarian cancer. 

Living Beyond Breast Cancer: Support including a helpline and webinars, plus information and resources for anyone with breast cancer. 

Nueva Vida: Support and advocacy for Latinas with cancer. 

Sharsheret: Cancer support and education for Jewish women and their families. 

Sisters Network, Inc: Financial assistance, resources, and information for African American women with breast cancer. 

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation: Information and a helpline about this specific type of breast cancer. 

Young Survival Coalition: Resources, education, and support for young women with breast cancer. 

Camp Kesem: We support these children through and beyond their parent’s cancer with free, fun-filled creative programs and a lasting community.

Comfort Zone Camp: Bereavement organization that transforms the lives of children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, primary caregiver, or significant person.

Help for Cancer Caregivers: a unique collaboration of organizations with a shared goal of improving the health and well-being of the people who care for people with cancer.

from our Sustaining medical partners

Riverside Health System - Find us at riversideonline.com or call 800-675-6368.

VCU Massey Cancer Center - Find us at masseycancercenter.org or call (877) 4-MASSEY

Myriad Genetics - Find us at myriad.com or call (800) 4-MYRIAD. To find out if you are a candidate for genetic testing go to Hereditarycancerquiz.com.

Sentara Healthcare - Learn more at sentara.com

Virginia Oncology Associates - Find us at virginiacancer.com or call us at (757) 873-9400 (Peninsula) or (757) 466-8683 (Southside).


Learn more about becoming a sustaining supporter here. 


© 2024 Here for the Girls, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity
EIN 26-0606190
1309 Jamestown Rd. Suite 204
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Contact us at info@hereforthegirls.org or at 757-645-2649

‌⁠If you are in a life-threatening situation, please do not use this website. Please use the list below for resources or call 911 to request crisis intervention, or other appropriate personnel, for immediate support. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 800-273-TALK (8255) Crisis Text Line – Text NAMI to 741-741
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