One Second At A Time
Written By: Christina Miner, Ms. January 2023
What a day to type this blog! A day in the life of a survivor/thriver who has received gut-wrenching news about one of her pink sisters. It is painful to hear information that you cannot fix. These thoughts and feelings I am experiencing today are the reality of our lives after facing breast cancer. The truth is every day is not full of sunshine blue skies, pink rose petals floating through the sky, rainbows with a pot of gold of hope at the end, and loud shouts of we are brave warriors. Some days are full of anger, tears, survivor guilt, sadness, and fear. Therefore, I live by my motto, take one second at a time while extending grace to myself. Each second can present different circumstances and emotions. To neglect ourselves to feel and embrace each emotion can be detrimental to our psyche.
However, after we process our feelings, it is vital to understand if we need further support from our support system (boobers/pink sisters (H4TG), family, friends, or mental health professionals). We must not rob ourselves of seeking help. There is nothing shameful about asking for help. Isolation is a place that can cause further depression. Silent suffering is not beneficial to the healing of our bodies or minds.
Nevertheless, please keep in mind that no one will know if help is needed if we do not ask. There is no guilt in needing a shoulder to lean on or an ear to hear our pain. When we are weak, there are people within our support systems strong enough to hold us up.
I get it. Vulnerability is difficult when we have been the ones who have been the ultimate giver. But, as you take one second at a time to continue to walk through the journey as a thriver or survivor, vulnerability can provide peace. Learning to be vulnerable started with Here for The Girls, Inc. upon receiving my diagnosis. I took time to join the group, but once I felt the love, support, and compassion, it became easier to expose my truth. This support (then and now) has allowed me the freedom to become naked before my pink sisters (Boober Family), which provides a sense of serenity, knowing that I am not alone.
Even though today started rough, I am reassured that as I continue to take one second at a time within my vulnerability, life will unveil beauty through times of darkness. However, it is a choice to find the light through the darkness, but it is there. Just as we took time to process the pain, we must take time to seek the good that extends hope. So before you continue your day, sit still for three minutes, close your eyes even if they are full of tears, inhale goodness, and exhale negativity. You are greatness, you are powerful, and you are allowed to feel; you are not your scars, but your scars speak, and you are allowed one second at a time with grace. I love you, my Boober Sisters!