Our new A Calendar to Live By 2018 will be unveiled at the Pink Carpet Gala on September 9, and we're so excited that the big day is almost here! We're offering you a brief introduction to the 2018 calendar girls team here on our blog - we asked them to share a story about one of their life-shaping moments and we'll post the responses here over the next few weeks. We hope you'll come meet these women at the Gala! Click HERE for a link if you'd like to learn more or get tickets!
Meet Calendar Model Miki Fett
Unbelievably, moving to Hawaii with my handsome new groom was one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life (besides beating cancer!). It was a year of changes and adjustments… I had never been this far away from family and friends, my husband and I had never even lived in the same state.
A year later, once we had it all figured out, he was deploying for 15 months. I was going to be alone, on an island, far from home. A week after his deployment, a kind voice on my answering machine said her husband sat by my husband on the plane to Kuwait, had mentioned that his wife needed a friend, and passed along my number. Should I call her back, I wondered? She took a chance by calling me so I gave it a shot.
11 years later, we are still the best of friends. We’ve been through and hell and back together. During that 15 month deployment, we bonded with six other ladies too (we're all pictured here) and they’ve all taught me life lessons… the biggest one being that blood does not make you family. It is the experiences and bonds shared, being sisters for one and another that does. I have a wonderful blood and unrelated family, these ladies have had the largest impact on my life and I carry a piece of them with me always. We are the Band of Sisters and my life was forever changed by making that phone call.