Who's That Girl? ~ Meet Stephanie ~ 2015 Calendar Girl

August 1, 2014

Stephanie Schneider of White Stone, Virginia, knew she had a family history of breast cancer, but the 32-year-old never thought she would be diagnosed at such a young age. “My grandmother was diagnosed when she was 70,” Stephanie said. “I thought I had forever before I would have to worry about breast cancer.”DSC_1842

Stephanie had just received her diagnosis when she learned about Beyond Boobs! and saw their calendar for the first time. She showed the calendar to her daughters, Adele and Madison, and they encouraged her to become a model.

Stephanie and her husband Dave traveled an hour-and-a-half to the photo shoot and used that time as a mini couples retreat. That seems only fitting since Dave was the one who discovered the lump in her breast back in August of 2013.

“I am definitely the wallflower type, so it was a huge step for me to put myself in front of the camera,” Stephanie confided. “The photo shoot was so cool and I am looking forward to the unveiling at the Gala in September. I just hope that my photo portrays the theme that we were going for.

“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I thought my life was over,” Stephanie said. “I want to show women that there is life after cancer and that they don’t have to fight the battle alone.”



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