The Women Behind the Boobs: Meet Gin Marks

June 28, 2016

The Women Behind the Boobs – Meet Gin Marks

Beyond Boobs! is one big happy family, but it is also a business. In addition to a host of amazing volunteers, BB! has been blessed with a group of talented, hardworking staff members who are truly the backbone of the organization. Because of their love and dedication, we are able to continue our mission of providing encouragement and support to young women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Staff members work behind the scenes to make sure all of our events run smoothly, and they take care of the millions of not-so-sexy, but just as valuable, details of running a business. Most important, they are there for our Boobers!, helping them live life with an exclamation point!

We share so much of our lives with our staff. Spending time with these amazing women and getting to know them and their families is a joy. And now it is our great privilege to introduce them to you. In the coming weeks, the blog will feature profiles of our staff members – the women behind the boobs.

Gin marksGin Marks went from Beyond Boobs! calendar model to full-support volunteer in just a few short years. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, Gin was in her oncologist’s office when she caught a glimpse of a BB! rack card. The words “Not Your Typical Support Group” caught her eye.

“I had been to support groups with my brother for lymphoma and my mom for diabetes, and they were depressing and boring,” Gin said. “Beyond Boobs! just looked like fun.”

Dinner with BB! cofounder Mary Beth Gibson led to modeling for A Calendar to Live By 2009. She wore her sash with pride to represent BB!, and in 2010, when she retired early from NASA, she signed on to be an office volunteer.

As an auxiliary staff member for operations and management, Gin draws on her project management background to assist BB! with strategic planning, grant writing, policy development, event planning, and more. Outside the office she assists with event setup, conducting safety walk-throughs, or registering guests at a BB! signature event.

“I am an introvert, so my behind-the-scenes work with Beyond Boobs! fits me perfectly,” Gin said. “The women I work with are incredible, and we work well together as a team.”

Gin lives in Hampton with her husband Rick. The couple has been married for 37 years and have two adult children, Maurie and Sean. They are also doting grandparents to three grandchildren, Liam (1), Mikko (4), and Halvor (1).



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