The Disproportionate Cancer Burden

July 7, 2022

Here for the Girls (H4TG) is all about supporting our members throughout their journey, providing LOVE, and EMBRACING everyone’s diversity. We recognize that members of the LGBTQIA+ community have a disproportionate cancer burden. In their article The LGBT Community’s Disproportionate Cancer Burden, The National LGBT Cancer Network (2022) states, “Health disparities in the LGBT community are caused by multiple factors. There are no biological or physiological differences between LGBTQIA+ individuals and heterosexual counterparts. Rather, health disparities are caused by a combination of social/economic factors and behaviors, many of which can be traced to the stress of living as a sexual/gender minority in this country” (para. 3). This can be due to barriers such as a lack of financial means, feeling unwelcomed or experiencing bias. It is also important to consider how excluding or including the language and media used for representation in cancer, cancer research and cancer treatment can be. According to The National LGBT Cancer Network (2022), cancer risk factors that have a disproportionate effect on members of the LGBTQIA+ community include cigarette smoking, alcohol use, obesity and pregnancy (Lesbians and Cancer, para. 4).  

Through embracing all individuals experiencing a cancer diagnosis and advocating for the LGBTQIA+ population a long-term difference can be made! Additionally, familial support, peer support, and having supportive doctors are imperative for effective treatment within the LGBTQIA+ population.   

To read more about health disparities that the LGBTQIA+ population faces read HERE and HERE.  

If you would like to receive social-emotional support or participate in H4TG social engagements, go HERE


National LGBT Cancer Network. (2022). The LGBT community’s disproportionate cancer burden.

National LGBT Cancer Network. (2022). Lesbians and breast cancer.



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