Pink Link Stories: Mary Jo

October 20, 2017

Welcome to our “Pink Link Stories” blog series! These stories are from women who are a part of (or support) Here for the Girls' virtual Pink Link community for breast cancer survivors ( Each quarter, we offer a new writing prompt — this quarter, we asked women to share their thoughts about breast cancer awareness. We will publish a few of those entries* here (lightly edited for length and typos).

I am a 12 year survivor and even after all that time, I will never forget the devastating phone call 12 years ago: "Mary Jo, I am so sorry to tell you this, but you have breast cancer." Those words changed my life and changed my life forever. Those words changed my life in the most wonderful way. I couldn’t have said this at the beginning, but because of all the love and support I received from God and many, many friends, I learned what life is really about! It’s about supporting one another through love and realizing that our purpose here has nothing to do with “stuff” and all that.

Each October when Breast Cancer Awareness month arrives, it’s a beautiful reminder to me of all the love and support I received. It reminds me, once again, to be there for others -- through prayer, personal contact, a supporting note or a phone call. It reminds me to share my heart in loving ways because life is short. Hearing the words, “you have cancer” reminds one of their mortality. So, I use my time here on earth, to love others and to be that support system we all need.

Sadly, this month a best friend of mine was diagnosed with triple negative, stage 1 breast cancer. I thank God that I have walked the road before her and now I can be the source of love and support she desperately needs right now. The struggle is hard and so very frightening when it begins.

Pink... a color that is beautiful and a color we relate to breast cancer. That color, though, always reminds me of the journey... the struggle and the blessings this tough disease brings.

-Mary Jo



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EIN 26-0606190
3709 Strawberry Plains Rd., Suite D
Williamsburg, VA 23188
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Our team is ready to support you, and the best way to get in touch is by emailing While we do not offer crisis services, we are committed to providing a trauma-informed environment and can guide you toward appropriate support. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency or crisis: Call or text 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline; Call 911 if you or someone else is in immediate danger; Go to your nearest emergency room

For non-emergency support, consider these options: Contact your primary care provider for a referral to mental health services; Use SAMHSA's treatment locator at to find local providers; Call SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) for treatment referrals
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