H4TG Member Stories: Meet Mia

March 3, 2021

Age 35, diagnosed at 32

No family history, no known genetic mutation

STRENGTH. Our theme for A Calendar to Live By 2021, INSPIRED, shares the word that resonates most with each of our calendar ambassadors and reflects the woman she has become since her cancer journey began. Mia's word is STRENGTH. Here is her story.

Mia, a nurse on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and a mother of 2 young children, felt a lump in her breast one day. After monitoring the lump for a few months, she received imaging, and (having had to remind the doctor’s office she was still waiting for results after four weeks) a biopsy that revealed stage 2 breast cancer. A bilateral mastectomy was followed by chemo and radiation therapy. Mia’s diagnosis made her appreciate life more, and she is learning to let go of regrets and just live life with as much laughter as possible. “In the midst of sorrow, I found peace and an understanding that I didn't have before,” she says. “Breast cancer made me realize I have a close relationship with God, and that I have people that love me very much.” Mia hopes to be a role model for others going through the same journey and inspire them through her example of perseverance and strength, which is why she chose strength as her word of inspiration. “Strength to me means mental power,” she says. “A healthy and strong mind provides a dynamic perspective on life. Mental strength lets you carry on when the world seems to have turned against you.”

MORE TO ADD: Here are some additional thoughts Mia has about what she wants other young women with breast cancer to learn from her as an H4TG Calendar Ambassador: "I'm Haitian and 33 years old with two small children and I'm in school to be an RN. I'm the only person that I know of who is dealing with cancer. I would like to be a hope for a younger generation that is dealing with cancer - I want them to know that if I can make it, they can. Whatever life throws at them, they will pull through."



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