According to information obtained on January 2, 2022 on the American Indian Cancer Foundation (AICAF) “breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for Native women” (American Indian Foundation, 2022). The website further explains that “Native women have a 7% higher cancer rate compared to non-Hispanic white women” (American Indian Foundation, 2022). Finally, the article shares that “Native women have a 10% higher death rate compared to non-Hispanic white women (American Indian Foundation, 2022). In response to the information listed above, the American Indian Foundation works to provide education, resources, empowerment, and hope to Native communities through an innovative and community-based approach. Moreover, the AICAF cultivates health system partnerships, community education and outreach, and community-based research. The identified strategies used by the AICAF include raising awareness regarding the burdens facing indigenous populations, providing training and technical assistance, and increasing accessibility of reliable cancer data regarding Native populations, You can learn more about the work performed by AICAF and access resources by clicking HERE.
American Indian Cancer Foundation (2022). Retrieved January 2nd, 2023,