Exploring why mortality rates are stagnant among Black women. Our support team discusses research studies that may indicate why.
As research demonstrates, tremendous work needs to be done surrounding health care disparities, however, an article written by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (2022) did provide thoughts on potential strategies for improvement. The article shared that recent information from the National Cancer Institute recommends the development of statewide cancer screening programs. It further discusses the unique journey faced by individuals receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and that inclusion of black women in research is essential. Finally, the article suggests that addressing biological differences within the breast cancer population is an important strategy in reducing health care disparities.
Breast Cancer Research Foundation (2022, October 5th). Black women and breast cancer: why disparities persist and how to end them. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_electronic_sources.html
American Association for Cancer Research. (2022). AACR cancer disparities progress report. Retrieved from https://cancerprogressreport.aacr.org/disparities/?utm_source=digital&utm_medium=sem&campaign=disparities-report&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5sCI3oeS-gIVx8fICh199QO8EAAYAiAAEgKL-fD_BwE