Embrace: Cancer does not discriminate!

June 5, 2022

Seeing each other through a lens of LOVE while embracing our differences

Cancer does not discriminate!

We’ve heard this statement many times through our varied journeys as cancer survivors. As if a cancer diagnosis is not hard enough, we experience a number of obstacles as we navigate treatment that is fitting on an individual level. Another often used statement is “be your own advocate”. That sounds simple enough, but that voice isn’t always clearly heard in some communities.

Members of the LGBTQIA+ community are at an increased risk of developing cancer for several reasons. They may smoke and drink more, and suffer a higher rate of obesity, all directly contributed to by non-acceptance of family, friends, and society. Lesbians are less likely to bear children than their heterosexual counterparts, which has been shown to further increase the chances of developing breast cancer. (Schabath,M {2021}. The Barriers to Care Faced by LGBTQ People with Cancer. An Expert Perspective – cancer.net blog) + (Simon, S {2019}. Study: Oncologists Want More Education About LGBTQ Issues – cancer.org)

LGBTQIA+ cancer patients are less likely to speak freely about their sexuality and gender due to fear of discrimination. The ability to openly include a partner and/or chosen family of the cancer survivor directly impacts the survivability of that patient.

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.” – Barbara Gittings

Written By: An Anonymous Here for the Girls Breast Cancer Survivor



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