Embrace: A Perspective on the Non-Binary + Trans Breast Cancer Experience

October 5, 2022

Breast cancer really has no gender. Our support team discusses the breast cancer experience for non-binary and trans individuals. 


Beckles, A. (2022). Breast Cancer: A Non-Binary Perspective.Queering Cancer, Inclusive Cancer Care. Retrieved from: https://queeringcancer.ca/stories/breast-cancer-a-non-binary-perspective/ 

Levine, N. (2021, October 18). Breast cancer has no gender. Cedars Sinai. Retrieved from: https://www.cedars-sinai.org/discoveries/breast-cancer-risk-across-genders.html#:~:text=Breast%20cancer%20has%20no%20gender.,lifestyle%20and%20personal%20health%20history

National LGBT Cancer Network. (2022). Retrieved from: https://cancer-network.org/ 

Ray, L., DNP. (2019, March 25). What trans men and nonbinary people need to know about breast cancer. Clue. Retrieved from: https://helloclue.com/articles/cycle-a-z/what-trans-men-and-nonbinary-people-need-to-know-about-breast-cancer#:~:text=While%20seemingly%20rare%2C%20trans%20men,this%20part%20of%20your%20body



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