Breast Cancer News of Note: February

February 4, 2021

As an organization that serves young women affected by breast cancer, we make sure to keep up with the latest news, so we know what our women face when it comes to treatment and beyond. In this blog series, we will share the previous month’s news that we feel is most interesting and relevant.

Jan. 6: Statins, common cholesterol-lowering medications, may protect women's hearts from damage caused during chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer, according to new research. Read the full story in MedicalXpress HERE.

Jan. 8: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an investigational drug application for a triple-negative breast cancer vaccine that could reduce the incidence of advanced disease. Read more on Verywell Health HERE

Jan. 10: Cancer cells are able to hibernate like "bears in winter" when a threat like chemotherapy treatment attacks them, according to new research – apparently adopting the tactic used by some animals to survive through periods when resources are scarce. Read more in Science Alert HERE.

Jan. 14: A new study found that a majority of breast cancer patients -- 74% -- who had opted to "go flat" were satisfied with the outcome. The study also found that 22% of women who responded to the survey had experienced what they refer to as "flat denial," which is where the surgeon either did not initially offer this choice, didn't support the patient's decision, or intentionally left extra skin in case the patient changed her mind. Women were more likely to be satisfied with their results if they felt they had surgeon support for their decision, the survey found. Read more on the findings on WedMD HERE.

Jan. 15: People who take aspirin at least three times per week are more likely to survive bladder cancer, according to a recent report. Regular aspirin use also was associated with a reduced risk for death from breast cancer, the data showed. Read the full story in UPI HERE.

Jan 19: A recent study found that having Ductal Carcinoma In situ (DCIS) more than doubled the risk of developing invasive breast cancer and increased the risk of dying of breast cancer by 70%, compared with the general population. Moreover, the researchers observed that more intensive treatment of DCIS was associated with lower risk of invasive breast cancer. Learn more about what this study found in the Harvard Health Blog HERE.



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For non-emergency support, consider these options: Contact your primary care provider for a referral to mental health services; Use SAMHSA's treatment locator at to find local providers; Call SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) for treatment referrals
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