2017 Calendar Models: Meet Sharon Carver

August 31, 2016

We can’t believe it has been ten years since the very first Beyond Boobs! calendar model was chosen for our annual A Calendar to Live By! Our calendar is also a health guide in disguise and offers a year of hope and inspiration, along with reminders to put your health first. We are beyond grateful to our generous sponsors, as well as the 100-plus calendar models who have graciously represented BB! and their fellow Boobers! over the years.

During the next several weeks on the blog you will meet the Boobers! who were chosen as calendar models for A Calendar to Live By 2017. You are also hereby invited to join us at the Pink Carpet Gala on Saturday, September 17, as we unveil this year’s calendar. See you there!

By: Jamie McAllister

Sharon Carver was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2008 and her cancer returned in October of 2010. Shesharon was serving as an ambassador for another cancer organization when she first learned about Beyond Boobs! When Boober! Shelly Gardner talked about the amazing support BB! offered to young women diagnosed with breast cancer, Sharon was intrigued. She attended one of BB!’s H.I.P. Chick events and the rest, as they say, is history.
Sharon lives in Titusville, Florida, and is working to establish BB! Not Your Typical Support groups in that state. She is the assistant supervisor for the Brevard County Clerk of Court and has one adult son, Dale. She also shares her life with three felines: sweet Little Girl, fraidy cat Black, and mischievous Ruby. Here Sharon talks about the most daring moment of her life, how amazing it would be to walk with Jesus, and how she uses her faith to encourage others battling breast cancer.

If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be and what would you do together?

If I could meet someone from history (I am glad you asked!) I would love to meet Jesus face to face and walk with Him while He was healing the sick, raising the dead, and performing other miracles and ministering. I can’t fathom what this would be like -- to see someone dead and then see them alive. Talk about faith building and restoration. Oh my goodness!

What is the most daring thing you have ever done?

The most daring thing that I have done would be quite surprising to those who know me. Everyone knows that I am afraid of snakes and will jump and run at the sight of even a baby snake. Some years back, I was a den leader for a Cub Scout Pack. We planned a day trip to the local wildlife reserve where animals were being featured. (Yes, this included snakes.) Well, one of the parents kept asking me to touch the snake, and because I wanted to prove to the boys that I was a superwoman, I touched it. I told the snake handler to keep the snake in his hands with the mouth away from me. I counted - one, two, three! - and then reached out with my finger and touched the snake. I was so petrified and surprised that I had done that. Guess what? That will never happen again!

Name three things on your bucket list.

1. Travel to Israel to walk the streets and wade in the waters listed in the Bible.
2. Visit Las Vegas. This would not be to gamble, but to eat all the food that I want. Yes, I love to eat!
3. Visit Washington, D.C.

What is guaranteed to always make you smile?

Friends, family, and a T-bone steak cooked medium well with all the fixings (salad with Italian dressing, baked potato with butter, cheese, ranch dressing, bacon, salt, and pepper). Oops, I am supposed to be eating healthy. Well, let’s just say this is my cheat meal.

What does being selected as a calendar model mean to you?

Oh my goodness! Being a calendar model means that I have arrived! While in this valley, I knew that God had ordained this cancer journey for me, so that He could get all the honor and glory. My promise to Him was if you take me through this, I will forever share my testimony with anyone that would listen to show how good He had been to and for me.

What was the most impactful moment of your calendar model photo shoot?

Now this is a good question! It didn’t occur while at the photo shoot. The impactful moment occurred during the video shoot. I was sharing my story (not sure if that was supposed to happen at that time – but the videographer didn’t stop me) and as I was sharing my “journey,” tears began to flow down my face. It was then that I was able to take in all that I had experienced and the fact that I was truly a survivor who had in fact arrived! What a great audience to tell my story to.



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